Our Supporting Friends
Mummy’s Wish
To support Australian families with children aged 12 years and under, through the provision of practical, immediate and non-means tested support whilst mum is receiving treatment for cancer. The work that we do allows mums undergoing treatment to cope with their illness and meet the physical and emotional needs of a young family. We connect with the mums on diagnosis and are there to offer support during her full treatment journey.
Defining Beauty ThrougH Breast Cancer
Our purpose at Defining Beauty is to help young women (20 - 40 years of age) face their cancer journey with confidence and take back some control of their appearance during one of the most vulnerable times of their lives. We provide small workshops for women who have had breast cancer or are undergoing active treatments. Our programs bring women together in a safe and friendly environment with the aim to uplift, inform and empower them emotionally through this challenging time. The primary focus of the program is to provide helpful skincare, make-up, scarring and body image advice. We also aim to provide practical guidance around emotional and mental wellbeing, during and after breast cancer.