
2018 Christmas in Boo
Family Photos

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You have had your session so what happens now…

I’m so excited to be attending and supporting Boo Events and the Christmas in the Boo Market for 2018. Thankyou for taking part in our Christmas/Family Mini Sessions, we hope you enjoyed your experience with us today, and the kids behaved themselves for you in the terrible heat so you could enjoy your stroll around the stalls hehe.

In the next 2 weeks (but i’ll try to get them out sooner) you will receive an online gallery to your email address. This gallery will hold all of your great images roughly colour edited. The email will include instructions on how to select the images you want to keep. (Yes you can buy extra) Once you do that I can see your selection in the back of my system and I will pull in your images and conduct a final edit. This will include cropping, finalising colour and some skin softening if needed. Then you will receive an email with a link to download your high resolution image to keep forever.

Any questions you can email me belle@bellechapmanphotography.com.au or message one of my business pages xox